Monday, December 31, 2007

2007, in review

2007 is mere hours from being done, so I am contractually obligated to make a year ending post about music.

It's tough to top 2006 as far as music related activity goes, so I'll just let 2007 stand on its own. I moved to a new town this year, which means I moved away from my favorite concert buddies. You know who you are. I've had to travel more for shows. Well, I actually haven't traveled more for shows, but the necessity was greater. Oh! And I got an iPod this year, finally. His name is DJ Reggie, he's a silver 80GB Classic, and I've only managed to get 15 GB in him thus far. I add stuff every day. It's exhausting.

total new cds: 55. (33 new releases, 22 back catalogue)
total shows: 15 shows in 6 states

And because no year end wrap-up is complete without top 6 of 2007!!!!

Favorite songs:
1. If the Brakeman Turns My Way - Bright Eyes.
2. Long Play - Dick Prall
3. You Are My Face - Wilco
4. The Temptation of Adam - Josh Ritter
5. The Sun Also Sets - Ryan Adams
6. Australia - The Shins

Favorite lyrics:
1. "We passed the time with crosswords that she thought to bring inside. 'What five letters spell apocalypse' she asked me. I won her over saying 'W.W.I.I.I' She smiled and we both knew that she'd misjudged me." Josh Ritter, The Temptation of Adam.
2. "Trying to be thankful our stories fit into phones. And our voices lift so easily A gift given accidentally When we're not sure we're not alone" Wilco, I Am Your Face
3. "Without the numbness all the pain is so intense to feel." Ryan Adams, I Taught Myself How to Grow Old
4. "I tried to pass for nothing but my dreams gave me away." Bright Eyes, If the Brakeman Turns My Way.
5. "Honesty like hanging trees don't get used anymore" Dick Prall, Long Play
6. "Yesterday it hit me that I do All the little things That you do Except those same little things That you do Are annoying. They're annoying as hell in fact." White Stripes, I'm Slowly Turning Into You

Favorite concerts:
1. Toad the Wet Sprocket, Lincoln Park Zoo, Chicago. Did I mention this was the best birthday ever?
2. Ryan Adams, HOB Chicago. I think there are still parts of my face melted on the floor of the HOB.
3. Josh Ritter, Park West Chicago. Josh Ritter, solo acoustic, with Renee, James and Asshead as my concert buddies? Plus, the first sighting of the Jack Bauer of concert security. Awesome.
4. Teitur/Jenny Owen Youngs, Beat Kitchen Chicago.
5. Josh Rouse, Golden West Saloon, Albuquerque.
6. Ryan Adams, Red Rocks Denver.

Favorite new finds (artists I started listening to this year):
1. Wilco. Yeah, I'm late to the boat. Get over it. Besides, could I continue my love of Sansone without finally listening to Wilco? I think not.
2. Jenny Owen Youngs
3. The Shins
4. Rocky Votolato
5. Fionn Regan
6. Travis
(Josh Rouse should be in this category, but I bought one of his cd's last year. I didn't really get Josh Rouse until this year. Now? L-O-V-E.)

Favorite back catalogue pick-ups. (Okay. I admit it. I'm a little slow on the uptake sometimes. But these are the cds I picked up this year that came out pre-2007 that I'm kicking myself for not buying sooner.)
1. Wilco's entire catalog (except the Billy Bragg stuff). Now James and George can get off my case.
2. Josh Rouse - Subtitulo.
3. Rocky Votolato - Makers
4. Elliott Smith - Either/Or
5. Brett Dennen - So Much More
6. Griffin House - Lost and Found

Favorite New Releases:
1. Bright Eyes - Cassadaga. This was a tough year to pick a favorite. Cassadaga won by a hair over Sky Blue Sky. I just think this was such a fantastic cd, start to finish. Ok, I will admit, the beginning of every Bright Eyes cd annoys me with his self-indulgent little oddities. The packaging makes up for it though. So cool.
2. Wilco - Sky Blue Sky. I hear a lot of people who have listened to Wilco for years complaining about this album. That's when I realize that I'm lucky that I just started listening to them, because I can hear this cd with fresh ears. I bought it with no expectations, and I love it without comparing it to anything else they have done.
3. Dick Prall - Weightless
4. The Shins - Wincing the Night Away
5. Josh Ritter - The Historical Conquests of...
6. Travis - The Boy With No Name

Music highlights:
1. Being asked to be webmistress of Teitur's website. It feels so good to be so trusted. And it never would have happened without one really damn good reference. There are no words for my appreciation of that person.
2. Toad wishing me a happy birthday from on stage. Even the thunder-stealer couldn't take away the glow from that day.
3. Traveling to L.A. to finally see Glen play at Largo. Pilgrimage complete. Plus I got to see DJ Jazzy Night Court.
4. Getting George to finally accept Josh Ritter into his life. You cannot resist The Animal Years.
5. Shawn Mullins in Colorado. Dancing on the streets with my kids. Joy.
6. Jenny Owen Youngs grabbing James' ass. Genius.

And if James has special categories, damnit, I should too.

* Worst song by an artist I love: Halloweenhead - Ryan Adams
* Everyone tells me I should love it, but I don't: Boxer - The National
* Best cd autograph: Jenny Owen Youngs - "Adobe Sneak Attack Motherfucker! NICER ASS!!"
* Best cd that I can't understand a word of: Teitur - Kata Hornid
* CD I still haven't bought, but I will in 2008: Andrew Bird - Armchair Apocrypha

Looking forward to 2008. Hopefully I'll see you on the road.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

gonna trade the weather for the western coast

This past weekend, I took a trip out to California. In my head, song lyrics were rattling around, building up for my trip...

"Going out to California. Gonna let the water warm my clothes..."

"Halfway to Hollywood, I'm selling songs, you're selling your good book..."

"Are you still beautiful in Los Angeles, 'cause it's been so long I can't handle it..."

The trip was a semi-spur of the moment decision. The end of finals week somehow wound up corresponding with a Glen Phillips concert at Largo in L.A. If you're not a big Glen fan, that probably doesn't mean much, so I'll try to explain. Ever since Glen went solo, Largo has become something of his home base, and he has been known to play songs there that haven't been heard other places. And, if you know me, you know there's nothing that makes me happier musically than a Glen show. So, the timing of the show seemed somewhat serendipitous. My traveling companion was my friend Sara, who flew in from Philly for the show.

Flying into L.A., my impressions were as follows: 1) there really are palm trees all over the place. And 2) the air is brown. (In my head, I thought, "Free radicals! Free radicals! I need antioxidants, quick!") From where we stayed in Hollywood, we could have been in almost any city during the summer. The palm trees were really the only distinguishing feature. It was amusing to see people walking around in winter coats in 72 degree weather. I also accosted Dave Navarro in the airport to get his picture with James' famous Asshead shirt.

I got to meet a few people with whom I have had email correspondence. It's always interesting to finally meet someone in person to see if they match up with the person you have created in your head.

The show itself was good, but short. Glen was joined by Sean and Sara Watkins, Greg Leisz, and Pete Thomas. Also, Randy Guss made a surprise appearance on drums during "Windmills". I had actually seen him outside before the show, but didn't realize I would be seeing him onstage. I was kinda hoping for more Glen. Just Glen. But it's hard to complain when the songs sounded so good.

I had a lot of fun on the trip, but I'm coming off it feeling strangely out of sorts. You know how sometimes you build something up so big in your head that there is no way it could ever live up to your expectations? So many things about the trip were great, the show, the inimitable duo that are Cliff and Ian, my think-alike Sara, too many black & tans, Pink Berry frozen yogurt, the staff at our ultra-funky hotel... But there was something remotely toxic about L.A. for me. I don't know if it was the air, or the traffic, or the surliness of the people bustling about oblivious to the people around them. Or maybe it was the delayed plane that left me stranded in Phoenix until almost 2 a.m. Whatever it was, I'm feeling a little drained.

I did come out of the weekend with a realization about people. I've met a lot of people while traveling around and moving across the country. There are people that pass into and out of your life without affecting it much. There are incredibly positive, fun people, who enrich your life regardless of how long they are in it. And there are the negative people who drain your energy in one way or another. It always seems that the negative ones make the bigger impact. I need to work harder at appreciating the positive ones and forgetting about the negative.

" So goodnight Hollywood Blvd, goodnight,
See ya soon
Goodnight Hollywood Blvd, see you sometime
Yeah, right
Yeah, right"

Sunday, October 07, 2007

i skipped class...

so i could go to the balloon fiesta!

balloonfiesta 082 balloonfiesta 124 balloonfiesta 100 balloonfiesta 091 balloonfiesta 088 balloonfiesta 073 balloonfiesta 019

robot balloon
balloonfiesta 047

luke, i'm your father
balloonfiesta 041

check out all my photos here: flickr photo set

Monday, October 01, 2007

Dear Josh Rouse...

Dear Josh Rouse,

Thank you for playing a show in Albuquerque. I suppose we are somewhat along the way from Tucson to Austin, but you could have just skipped our little city, and you didn't. For this, I am grateful.


The joint you played was certainly unique. It's not every day that you see a concert in a long, narrow saloon with a rattlesnake skin on the wall. It really startled me how few people showed up to your show, and for this, I feel like I should apologize. I know it's not my fault or anything, but I just feel bad. Like maybe I could have convinced some more people to come to the show, if I actually knew people here. But I don't . So again, sorry.


I will say that I had a fantastic time. I'm kind of a music geek, and I've been wanting to see you live ever since my BFF told me that I needed to listen to you. The show was fantastic. I don't know why, but I was expecting a mellow folk show, and you showed up with your band and proceeded to rock my pants off. What a pleasant surprise. Admittedly, I didn't get up and shake my ass, despite your many requests that we do so. It is difficult to muster the courage to shake your ass in such a small crowd. I was chair dancing though. I promise.


And thank you for finally coming downstairs after the show to say hi to people. There were a lot more people waiting right after the show, but most of them gave up after a while. Not me. I'm tenacious. Thanks for the picture. And for the replacement picture after I blinked.

My goal now is to see you at a venue where people have actually heard of you, and more than 30 people show up to the gig. I promise I'll shake my ass next time.

Sincerely yours,


Friday, August 31, 2007

feeling like rodney dangerfield

nope, i still get plenty of respect. but i'm going back to school.

quick history, because i don't want to get into the details. i was, once upon a time, a straight A student. i went into boston university to study marine biology, but had to leave one semester into my sophomore year. i started working full time to support myself, got married, had kids, and just never got around to finishing.

the whole unfinished school thing has always been the albatross around my neck, but life's necessities were keeping me from finishing up. everything has finally aligned (due in no small part to our recent move to NM) and i'm officially a student again.

most of my old credits aren't going to transfer for my degree, so i'm basically starting from scratch. i'm going to go to the community college here for a year, then transfer over to UNM. another thing that really blows is that my math skills have disappeared from many years of non-use, so i have to take a lower level math course just to get into the math classes i need for my degree. that is a fat load of suck.

i'm loading up on the classes though, because i want to get this shit done with. five classes plus a lab. if you don't see updates from me much, or if i don't answer my phone, or if i start posting random gibberish at 2 a.m., just assume that i'm studying too much.

Friday, August 17, 2007

random moment of the day

we were leaving the airport after picking up some people, and had to pull over to the side because the car that was following us didn't get through the traffic signal, and they didn't know where they were going.

next thing we see is a police car pull behind us with its lights flashing. i think "oh shit. they think we're terrorists pulled over near the airport."

the officer walks up to the car and he's holding a lasso in his hand. yes. a lasso.

one word flashes through my head: hogtie.

he leans over and says, "are you stopped because of the sheep?" we explain the reason we are stopped and he says, "ok. there's a sheep running loose somewhere around here. carry on."

this shit doesn't happen in chicago, i'll tell you what.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

the end of summer

on this past weekend, the last weekend before school began, we loaded the family into the car for a trip up to denver. the husband's work involves automotive dealings, and we had to attend a work-sponsored drag race event: the jet car nationals. if you are unfamiliar with jet cars, as i was, they are literally race cars that have jet engines sticking out of the back. as we were corporate guests, we had prime seats directly over the starting line looking down the drag.

there are no words to describe how loud these things were. even with earplugs, i wanted to hold my hands over my ears. i could feel the heat from the jets when they started. when they blasted their jets, i could actually feel the noise of it shaking the stands. this video can only give you the slightest idea of the noise.

the next day, we headed over to the lovely coors field to see the rockies play the cubs.
colorado 004

the girls hadn't been to a mlb game since we lived in atlanta, so they were pretty excited. we got there early enough that the girls got baseballs signed by the players.
colorado 006 colorado 005

it was a great game, and if you follow baseball, you know how this one ended. (sorry, james.)
colorado 009

we drove home after the game, 6 hours of cranky kids. yikes. the sunset over the rockies was beautiful though.
colorado 010

colorado 012

colorado 011

Monday, August 06, 2007

ryan adams at red rocks 8.4.07

This past Friday, I hit the road yet again, this time with my husband in tow. (Thanks again to Chris and Mary for hangin' with the kiddos) It's about a 6 hour drive to Denver from Albuquerque, but you know me - when it comes to Ryan Adams or Glen Phillips I'm basically a sucker and willing to travel great distances.

I didn't find out until the morning of the show that the start time had been changed to 5:30 from 7 pm. DOH! We also hit sick traffic around Colorado Springs, so we didn't wind up getting to Red Rocks until around 7 pm. Luckily, it wasn't raining. Unluckily, you are expected to climb approximately 500 steps at the mile high elevation to get into the venue. *GASP WHEEZE* I actually saw some people stop to take smoke breaks on their way up the stairs. Seriously? Like that's gonna help with your oxygen intake?

We got into the venue and the Old 97's were on stage. Well, sorta. It was the Old 97's minus the beautiful and sweaty Rhett Miller. I sat on the corner of one of the steps near the stage, and out bounded Rhett. Apparently all the crap weather had caused his plane to be delayed coming into the airport. Plus, did I mention traffic sucked? Well, he played a few songs with the band, then their time was up. I have no idea why they didn't have Devotchka go on and let Old 97's later. Oh well.

Devotchka followed, and while they seem to be great musicians, their music was not my thing. The first 50 rows or so were packed, so we just went up to the very top of the amphitheatre where it was empty and enjoyed the music and the breeze. Well, until it stopped being a breeze and became a haughty wind. Lucinda Williams followed Devotchka. She's... alright. Her voice is very whiny, and all her songs sound so much alike. Not to mention how juvenile some of her lyrics are. She played a song called Honeybee - and I swear the lyrics were "You're my honeybee, I'm so glad you're mine" repeated ad nauseum. She also played, according to the venue worker I spoke to, 20 minutes longer than she was supposed to. You could see streams of people leaving to use the restroom. Snore.

Ryan Adams and the Cardinals took the stage at 11:05, and the crowd went batshit crazy.

Magnolia Mountain
Peaceful Valley
Easy Plateau
Goodnight Rose
Let It Ride
Cold Roses -> What Sin -> Cold Roses
Beautiful Sorta
When The Stars Go Blue
I Taught Myself How To Grow Old
A Kiss Before I Go
Dear John
Please Do Not Let Me Go
Dear Chicago
Wild Flowers
I See Monsters

Ryan was, brace yourself, in an incredibly good mood. He actually said "It's really impossible to have a bad time in Colorado." His voice and the band both sounded incredible. I actually think his guitar playing has improved tremendously since the infamous wrist-breaking incident. He joked with the crowd, giving us a little TMI regarding his underwear situation, and even poked fun at himself, "If this wind picks up any more, you're gonna really see me storm off the stage, if you know what I mean..."

But really the star of the night was the venue. The stage is carved into a hollowed out stone face, and the seats rise up from the front, flanked on either side by tilting monoliths of red streaked stone. From our vantage point at the top of the venue, we could see the lights of Denver, and were even able to watch the moon rise over the stage, starting out as a red smudge on the edge of the horizon and growing to an eerie white glow behind the clouds.

I've said it before and I'll say it again: seeing Ryan Adams is a hit-or-miss proposition. But so far for me this year, he's batting a thousand. I will see him every chance I get, because when he is on, he will find the cracks in your soul and crawl inside.

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

best birthday ever? i think so.

This year, serendipity shined down upon me and scheduled a Toad the Wet Sprocket concert in Chicago on my birthday. What better excuse to make a trip back to Chicago. Best friends and favorite music? Can't beat it.

It was supposed to rain in Chicago, but there was no way it was going to rain on my birthday. In fact, I expressly forbade rain, and it went away as requested. First, my BFF James and I picked up Asshead from his job working the corner over in the Financial District. We headed to Stanley's for some 20-minute chicken. (Best in Chicago - if you ever visit, you must have some.)
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Then we headed over to the zoo, where in theory, we were to act all cool and say "We're on the list". Yeah. Not on the list. Phone call. New list. Not on that one either. Another phone call. New list. And finally allowed into the park. So much for being cool.

I got to see all sorts of Chicago concert buddies at the show. It made me feel very loved. Glen opened for Toad, which was just brilliant, because who wouldn't love double the Glen?
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

I even overcame the adversity of stupid people standing in front of me, by going to the other side of the stage and standing in front of someone else. What?

Throughout the show, there was this crazy drunk girl, who kept talking during the songs, flailing her arms around and yelling how much she loved Toad. She actually accosted James and I before the show started, poking us in the arms and demanding to know how we knew Toad. Not in the carnal sense, but just in general if we knew their music. I conceded to being a casual listener to try to get her to leave us alone.
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
Then, near the end of the show, Glen and Dean wished me a Happy Birthday, and in the middle of Glen talking about me, drunk girl decides she is going to steal my thunder and yells out that she is the biggest Toad fan ever. Who am I to argue? We took pictures with her afterwards, because it was important to document her idiocy. Oh, and Asshead ate her brain.
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

After getting James and Asshead's photos with Dean, Todd, and a very smarmy Glen,
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
we hustled to my favorite spot, Dublins for some food and merriment. Oh yeah, and my favorite hot waiter, Mattycakes.Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

The next day brought a Transformers movie, The Misbehavers from Four Rooms ("Police? Come right away! There's a dead whore in the room!"), and a drive up to Milwaukee. We even drove by a Cheese Castle, presumably occupied by a Cheese King. At Milwaukee, we met up with some more wonderful friends for a Glen Phillips solo show. It was a great show, filled with rarities, a discussion about the legalities of necrophilia in Wisconsin, and even a song by the ever-wonderful Dick Prall. We tried to get pictures with Glen and Dick, but we couldn't seem to get in synch with each other. Blink. Blink.
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Awesomeness abounded.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

it's cold in here, and i wish it was hot

This weekend I drove to Austin for my second Ryan Adams concert of the year. (See review of first show here)

The drive was ridiculous - 12 hours each way. Yeah, I know. Next time I will fly. But it was totally worth it. It was a seated acoustic show, and totally different than the HOB show earlier this year.

ryan adams austin

ryan adams austin

Set list:

1. Please Do Not Let Me Go
2. Blue Sky Blues
3. Blue Hotel
4. The Sun Also Sets
5. Cold Roses
6. Oh My God, Whatever, Etc.
7. Easy Plateau
8. Elizabeth, You Were Born To Play That Part
9. Starlite Diner
10. Let It Ride
11. I Taught Myself How To Grow Old
12. Goodnight Rose
13. Dear Chicago
14. Goodnight Hollywood Blvd.
15. Nightbirds

**intermission so venue could sell more beer**

16. Dear John
17. Wildflowers
18. Off Broadway
19. Two
20. The End
21. Peaceful Valley
22. What Sin Replaces Love
23. Magnolia Mountain
24. I See Monsters

ryan adams austin

Ryan stayed seated for the entire show except for when he came to the microphone at the edge of the set to deliver a howling version of "Goodnight Hollywood Blvd."

ryan adams austin

Will I still go see Ryan every chance I get? Hell yes.

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

5 awesome things for the week

yeah, it's only wednesday. so what?

1. the cupcake shop up the road has strawberries that are stuffed with cheesecake, then dipped in chocolate. yeah, i said it. cheesecake-stuffed chocolate-dipped strawberries.

2. the lady at the sandwich shop who wondered aloud if they would make her sandwich in a bowl, with no bread. nothing like carb-fear to ruin a genius sandwich.

3. my dyson. i vacuum every day now just to see what will go flying around its crazy cyclone.

4. making mix cds. it brings me joy to impose my musical taste on other people.

5. the incredibly fit, handsome, muscular man who jogs shirtless down my road every morning. thank you.

Thursday, May 31, 2007

big blue sky

for memorial day weekend, we decided to take a drive up to durango, co to see shawn mullins play at the iron horse bicycle classic. if i were a cyclist, i might have partaken in this cool event that has been going for 35 years, but let's be realistic - a 48 mile bike ride through the snow-capped mountains of colorado sounds awesome, but i think a 5700 ft vertical climb would kill me. literally.

instead, we loaded the munchkins in the car with bags full of snacks and set off through northern nm. i loaded the cd changer with a bunch of shawn mullins cds to warm up for the show. i tried to take pictures from the moving car, but there's only so much you can do through a bug-splattered windshield. at one point, the opening track on "big blue sky" came on and it was like serendipity.

"on a mantle made of oak wood,
there's a photograph from my childhood
it was taken in the desert early light...
there are canyons there are caverns
there are border roadside taverns
and i am held captive by the big blue sky above me..."



it's like these songs were made for this roadtrip.

"two lanes of highway stretched in front of me as far as i can see
the grass here's greener than most grass i've seen
the sky's a big gray hazy canopy up over me
nothing much here to do just keep my hands on the wheel and my mind on you..."


we pulled into town with time to spare and had dinner at the old tymer's cafe. all you can eat ribs? yes, please. durango has changed a lot since the last time i was there over 15 years ago. the main street is lined with locally owned shops filled with hip artwork and hippie shoes. sierra found a purple 1/2 size taylor guitar at a music shop, but i can't see spending $300 on a guitar for a 6 year old. maybe when she's older. we were lucky enough to see the durango & silverton narrow gauge railroad train coming back from silverton. it has been in continuous operation for 126 years. i couldn't pull my camera out fast enough to snap a picture, but it was something to see a genuine steam locomotive pulling up with the mountains in the background. i guess someone else's photo will have to do.

the stage for the concert was set up in the middle of main street and some people (ourselves included) were wise enough to bring lawn chairs to watch the show. everyone sat listening to the music for the first few songs, but once shawn started in on "beautiful wreck", people gathered at the front of the stage and started dancing with each other. it was beautiful and surreal.





we couldn't pull the girls away from the stage from the rest of the show. they had found a group of about a dozen kids and they were all swinging each other around and dancing. if durango is this cool all the time, i might need to visit more often.

Monday, May 21, 2007

i was hoping you'd call

I Live – for other people's happiness

I Work – hard for my sanity

I Talk – if someone is listening

I Wish – I could finance my wishes

I Enjoy – planting things and watching them grow

I Look – younger than my age

I Find – comfort in music

I Smell – clean

I Hide – my sadness

I Pray – no, not really

I Walk – with my own feet

I Write – words without a tune

I See – monsters

I Sing – always

I Can – remember everything but your name

I Watch – birds cock their head to the side looking for worms in the ground

I Yearn – for a full nights sleep

I Daydream – about travel

I Want – to eat fantastic food while gazing at the mediterranean sea

I Cry – at television shows

I Read – too many magazines

I Love – my kids

I Wonder – how many people are happy with their lives

I Touch – fabrics to feel their texture

I Hurt – in my right shoulder almost constantly

I Fear – being boring

I Hope – that my children grow up to be decent people

I Eat – poorly

I Quit – almost everything

I Bathe – every day

I Drink – water like a fish

I Stop – abruptly

I Save – junk

I Hug – people i genuinely like

I Play – like i'm a pirate

I Miss – my best friends

I Hold – on too tightly to the steering wheel while driving

I Forgive – rarely

I Drive – a gas guzzler

I Learn – all the time

I Have – stinky feet

I Don't – trust most people

I Made – choices that i live with

I Kiss – sparingly

I Believe – in evolution

I Wait – until everyone stops talking before saying something

I Dance – like nobody is watching

I Need – a concert

I Feel – sun on my skin

I Know – lots of random things

I Am – trying to change

Friday, April 13, 2007

the best country singers die in the back of classic cars

a few things about bright eyes' new cd, cassadaga.

1. best cd packaging, ever. every cd should come with a spectral decoder. i feel like a kid with a new happy meal toy. holy crap.

2. the music is quality. it doesn't even remotely feel like oberst has multiple personalities. hooray!

go get it.

Monday, April 02, 2007

solving for x put forth this challenge: Write a story or poem containing 26 sentences (or lines) the first one starting with the letter A, then B, C, and so on until you've reached the letter Z. Be warned, X is the tricky one. I'm looking for the most complete story or poem AND the most creative solution for X. Happy writing!

Albuquerque is beautiful in the springtime. Bluer skies than you had ever imagined hang overhead. Clouds only punctuate the clear blue of the skies. Dusk brings glorious sunsets of orange, purple and pink. Every color in the crayon box crawling across the landscape. Forests of pine and tumbleweeds dot the mountainsides. Gravel crunches underfoot as you walk towards the base of the mountains. Hikers and bikers wave at you and nod hello. In fact, everyone seems a little more friendly here, like maybe they know you from somewhere. Juniper grows in almost every yard. Kiva fireplaces stand as a reminder of native traditions.

Leaving this place made it fresh again. Maybe if I hadn't left I wouldn't see it through the same eyes. New experiences and places provide a contrast with which to compare these things. Only by leaving could I finally see the colors. Perhaps I could have returned sooner, but I'm not certain it would be the same.

Quirkiness seems to fit here better than it does in other places. Route 66 runs through the heart of this town and the retro kitsch still permeates the area. Strange people abound here, like the naked guy who protests outside the military base. Tribes of Native Americans own the land surrounding the city, stopping it from sprawling too far. Usually, you can find little shops on the edge of the reservations that still sell bread baked in their round mud ovens fueled by firewood.

Visitors to this town might not understand the homes here; stucco squares in every imaginable shade of brown, looking like ancient adobe huts. Water is scarce in these high country deserts, so the people have grown to adapt. Xeriscaped yards dominate the neighborhoods with gravel covered lawns instead of water thirsty grass. Yucca, cactus, and agave with their spiky, spiny leaves defend their alien landscape. Zealots for the lush green lawns of suburban America might not love it here, but I think that I do.

Friday, March 09, 2007

5 awesome things for the week

1. My new nephew: Finnegan. Born March 5th at 11:11pm. 7 lbs 2 ounces. Apparently he is here on a mission for Justice, Ass-Kicking, and making his folks proud. I'm going to buy him a T-shirt that says "I just made poo"

2. a ten day forecast with highs from 66°F to 72°F. i think i'm hiking in the mountains this weekend.

3. the cubano sandwich with apple slaw at relish. i had one yesterday for lunch and only sheer willpower is keeping me from going back to have another today. it's joey tribiani heaven in that place. best sandwiches in the city.

4. driving at night through the heights and being able to see the whole city. <

5. rediscovering my hometown. everyone should try it.

Thursday, March 08, 2007

i made it

we got into albuquerque on saturday. still looking for a house. i actually found the house i wanted on saturday, but by tuesday, it was sold. DOH! anyways here's some pics:

most of southern illinois looks just like this:

st. louis

these signs are all along the highway in oklahoma. i have no clue what they mean. if anyone has the answer, please let me know.
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one should not try to take photos of the moon while driving. danger! danger!
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joshua never believes me that it snows in nm. i thought i left illinois to get away from this.
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once we got over the mountains it was all bright and sunny. it's been in the 60's all week. woohay!