Friday, August 31, 2007

feeling like rodney dangerfield

nope, i still get plenty of respect. but i'm going back to school.

quick history, because i don't want to get into the details. i was, once upon a time, a straight A student. i went into boston university to study marine biology, but had to leave one semester into my sophomore year. i started working full time to support myself, got married, had kids, and just never got around to finishing.

the whole unfinished school thing has always been the albatross around my neck, but life's necessities were keeping me from finishing up. everything has finally aligned (due in no small part to our recent move to NM) and i'm officially a student again.

most of my old credits aren't going to transfer for my degree, so i'm basically starting from scratch. i'm going to go to the community college here for a year, then transfer over to UNM. another thing that really blows is that my math skills have disappeared from many years of non-use, so i have to take a lower level math course just to get into the math classes i need for my degree. that is a fat load of suck.

i'm loading up on the classes though, because i want to get this shit done with. five classes plus a lab. if you don't see updates from me much, or if i don't answer my phone, or if i start posting random gibberish at 2 a.m., just assume that i'm studying too much.

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