Monday, December 31, 2007

2007, in review

2007 is mere hours from being done, so I am contractually obligated to make a year ending post about music.

It's tough to top 2006 as far as music related activity goes, so I'll just let 2007 stand on its own. I moved to a new town this year, which means I moved away from my favorite concert buddies. You know who you are. I've had to travel more for shows. Well, I actually haven't traveled more for shows, but the necessity was greater. Oh! And I got an iPod this year, finally. His name is DJ Reggie, he's a silver 80GB Classic, and I've only managed to get 15 GB in him thus far. I add stuff every day. It's exhausting.

total new cds: 55. (33 new releases, 22 back catalogue)
total shows: 15 shows in 6 states

And because no year end wrap-up is complete without top 6 of 2007!!!!

Favorite songs:
1. If the Brakeman Turns My Way - Bright Eyes.
2. Long Play - Dick Prall
3. You Are My Face - Wilco
4. The Temptation of Adam - Josh Ritter
5. The Sun Also Sets - Ryan Adams
6. Australia - The Shins

Favorite lyrics:
1. "We passed the time with crosswords that she thought to bring inside. 'What five letters spell apocalypse' she asked me. I won her over saying 'W.W.I.I.I' She smiled and we both knew that she'd misjudged me." Josh Ritter, The Temptation of Adam.
2. "Trying to be thankful our stories fit into phones. And our voices lift so easily A gift given accidentally When we're not sure we're not alone" Wilco, I Am Your Face
3. "Without the numbness all the pain is so intense to feel." Ryan Adams, I Taught Myself How to Grow Old
4. "I tried to pass for nothing but my dreams gave me away." Bright Eyes, If the Brakeman Turns My Way.
5. "Honesty like hanging trees don't get used anymore" Dick Prall, Long Play
6. "Yesterday it hit me that I do All the little things That you do Except those same little things That you do Are annoying. They're annoying as hell in fact." White Stripes, I'm Slowly Turning Into You

Favorite concerts:
1. Toad the Wet Sprocket, Lincoln Park Zoo, Chicago. Did I mention this was the best birthday ever?
2. Ryan Adams, HOB Chicago. I think there are still parts of my face melted on the floor of the HOB.
3. Josh Ritter, Park West Chicago. Josh Ritter, solo acoustic, with Renee, James and Asshead as my concert buddies? Plus, the first sighting of the Jack Bauer of concert security. Awesome.
4. Teitur/Jenny Owen Youngs, Beat Kitchen Chicago.
5. Josh Rouse, Golden West Saloon, Albuquerque.
6. Ryan Adams, Red Rocks Denver.

Favorite new finds (artists I started listening to this year):
1. Wilco. Yeah, I'm late to the boat. Get over it. Besides, could I continue my love of Sansone without finally listening to Wilco? I think not.
2. Jenny Owen Youngs
3. The Shins
4. Rocky Votolato
5. Fionn Regan
6. Travis
(Josh Rouse should be in this category, but I bought one of his cd's last year. I didn't really get Josh Rouse until this year. Now? L-O-V-E.)

Favorite back catalogue pick-ups. (Okay. I admit it. I'm a little slow on the uptake sometimes. But these are the cds I picked up this year that came out pre-2007 that I'm kicking myself for not buying sooner.)
1. Wilco's entire catalog (except the Billy Bragg stuff). Now James and George can get off my case.
2. Josh Rouse - Subtitulo.
3. Rocky Votolato - Makers
4. Elliott Smith - Either/Or
5. Brett Dennen - So Much More
6. Griffin House - Lost and Found

Favorite New Releases:
1. Bright Eyes - Cassadaga. This was a tough year to pick a favorite. Cassadaga won by a hair over Sky Blue Sky. I just think this was such a fantastic cd, start to finish. Ok, I will admit, the beginning of every Bright Eyes cd annoys me with his self-indulgent little oddities. The packaging makes up for it though. So cool.
2. Wilco - Sky Blue Sky. I hear a lot of people who have listened to Wilco for years complaining about this album. That's when I realize that I'm lucky that I just started listening to them, because I can hear this cd with fresh ears. I bought it with no expectations, and I love it without comparing it to anything else they have done.
3. Dick Prall - Weightless
4. The Shins - Wincing the Night Away
5. Josh Ritter - The Historical Conquests of...
6. Travis - The Boy With No Name

Music highlights:
1. Being asked to be webmistress of Teitur's website. It feels so good to be so trusted. And it never would have happened without one really damn good reference. There are no words for my appreciation of that person.
2. Toad wishing me a happy birthday from on stage. Even the thunder-stealer couldn't take away the glow from that day.
3. Traveling to L.A. to finally see Glen play at Largo. Pilgrimage complete. Plus I got to see DJ Jazzy Night Court.
4. Getting George to finally accept Josh Ritter into his life. You cannot resist The Animal Years.
5. Shawn Mullins in Colorado. Dancing on the streets with my kids. Joy.
6. Jenny Owen Youngs grabbing James' ass. Genius.

And if James has special categories, damnit, I should too.

* Worst song by an artist I love: Halloweenhead - Ryan Adams
* Everyone tells me I should love it, but I don't: Boxer - The National
* Best cd autograph: Jenny Owen Youngs - "Adobe Sneak Attack Motherfucker! NICER ASS!!"
* Best cd that I can't understand a word of: Teitur - Kata Hornid
* CD I still haven't bought, but I will in 2008: Andrew Bird - Armchair Apocrypha

Looking forward to 2008. Hopefully I'll see you on the road.

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