Tuesday, December 18, 2007

gonna trade the weather for the western coast

This past weekend, I took a trip out to California. In my head, song lyrics were rattling around, building up for my trip...

"Going out to California. Gonna let the water warm my clothes..."

"Halfway to Hollywood, I'm selling songs, you're selling your good book..."

"Are you still beautiful in Los Angeles, 'cause it's been so long I can't handle it..."

The trip was a semi-spur of the moment decision. The end of finals week somehow wound up corresponding with a Glen Phillips concert at Largo in L.A. If you're not a big Glen fan, that probably doesn't mean much, so I'll try to explain. Ever since Glen went solo, Largo has become something of his home base, and he has been known to play songs there that haven't been heard other places. And, if you know me, you know there's nothing that makes me happier musically than a Glen show. So, the timing of the show seemed somewhat serendipitous. My traveling companion was my friend Sara, who flew in from Philly for the show.

Flying into L.A., my impressions were as follows: 1) there really are palm trees all over the place. And 2) the air is brown. (In my head, I thought, "Free radicals! Free radicals! I need antioxidants, quick!") From where we stayed in Hollywood, we could have been in almost any city during the summer. The palm trees were really the only distinguishing feature. It was amusing to see people walking around in winter coats in 72 degree weather. I also accosted Dave Navarro in the airport to get his picture with James' famous Asshead shirt.

I got to meet a few people with whom I have had email correspondence. It's always interesting to finally meet someone in person to see if they match up with the person you have created in your head.

The show itself was good, but short. Glen was joined by Sean and Sara Watkins, Greg Leisz, and Pete Thomas. Also, Randy Guss made a surprise appearance on drums during "Windmills". I had actually seen him outside before the show, but didn't realize I would be seeing him onstage. I was kinda hoping for more Glen. Just Glen. But it's hard to complain when the songs sounded so good.

I had a lot of fun on the trip, but I'm coming off it feeling strangely out of sorts. You know how sometimes you build something up so big in your head that there is no way it could ever live up to your expectations? So many things about the trip were great, the show, the inimitable duo that are Cliff and Ian, my think-alike Sara, too many black & tans, Pink Berry frozen yogurt, the staff at our ultra-funky hotel... But there was something remotely toxic about L.A. for me. I don't know if it was the air, or the traffic, or the surliness of the people bustling about oblivious to the people around them. Or maybe it was the delayed plane that left me stranded in Phoenix until almost 2 a.m. Whatever it was, I'm feeling a little drained.

I did come out of the weekend with a realization about people. I've met a lot of people while traveling around and moving across the country. There are people that pass into and out of your life without affecting it much. There are incredibly positive, fun people, who enrich your life regardless of how long they are in it. And there are the negative people who drain your energy in one way or another. It always seems that the negative ones make the bigger impact. I need to work harder at appreciating the positive ones and forgetting about the negative.

" So goodnight Hollywood Blvd, goodnight,
See ya soon
Goodnight Hollywood Blvd, see you sometime
Yeah, right
Yeah, right"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well said.